APSCo Code of Practice

The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) is the membership body dedicated to representing excellence in the professional recruitment industry.

With offices in the UK, Germany, Singapore and Australia, it provides members with the information, intelligence, ideas, opportunities and support they require to become compliant, efficient and successful.

Since its founding in 1999 it has grown rapidly to become the authoritative, trusted and innovative voice for the professional recruitment sector, representing organisations and trusted partners from sole proprietors and boutiques to international blue-chips.

The APSCo badge is recognised by candidates and employers as the differentiating quality mark in professional talent acquisition.

To maintain APSCo’s reputation as a trusted badge of quality, all members pass an external quality check with end clients and candidates. Our members are committed to strict Codes of Conduct that demand high levels of professional behaviour at all times. APSCo Code of Ethics